Good morning Western Brown!!!
Today is:
Dylan Lay & Sgt. Davis
Follow @WBHS_Principal (Instagram) @wbhsathletics---@thebronconation (X and Instagram) for important information, announcements, themes for events, student achievements, etc.
LUNCH: Reminder, students you need to stay in the auditeria until the bell rings for the end of lunch. We are having too many kids sneaking into the hallway.
YEARBOOK: Those students that received a link to fill out the Yearbook application, it needs to be turned in no later than today-thursday at 3pm.
WB UNITED: WB United will host their next meeting on March 12th. We have rescheduled our February meeting in hopes of having more students participate. All students are welcome and we would love to have more students involved!
ART CLUB: There will be an art club meeting Wed. March 12th after school until 4pm. See or email Mrs. Howell with Questions.
BOOK CLUB: There will be a book club meeting after school TODAY in the Learning Commons. Please bring your permission slips for the field trip if you have not turned them in yet.
SPANISH CLUB: We are so happy to be able to now plan our banquet at the MI CAMINO REAL restaurant. Mark your calendars for TUESDAY, MARCH 18. We leave school at 2:45 and will return somewhere around 5:00 (depending on the number of us attending).
ACT: The ACT will be given on Tuesday, March 11. Testing will begin promptly at 8:00. We will be using the upstairs English hallway for testing. If you are late, you will not be permitted to test.
1. Mrs. Lang will visit Mrs. Loudon's classES today to go over scheduling and ACT prep
2. If you are a CCP English student or a CTC student, please check your email and the Class of 2026 Google Classroom for important ACT information
SPANISH CLUB: Muchas Gracias to our members and to all of our customers who made our pie sale so successful. Our top three pie sellers were in third place, Owen Fribourg, selling 22 pies, 2nd Place, Lily Dean, selling 24 pies, and in 1st Place, Aaliyah Carter selling 30 pies. These three members sold over 25% of our total number of pies. We are so proud that for our 20th year anniversary of selling pies, our grand total was 283 pies.
STUDENT COUNCIL: We are hosting a prom attire drive now through March 6th. If you have any prom items you are willing to donate, please drop them off in the main office. Student Council will be hosting a free Prom and Graduation shopping experience for guys and girls on March 7th. Signups for shopping will be posted soon!
CHOIR FUNDRAISER: The Western Brown Choirs are doing a coin drive fundraiser to help raise money for our trip to New York City in March! If you've got extra coins collecting dust please consider donating them to help support this amazing opportunity! Every coin makes a difference! There will be collection containers in the main office and in room 191 (Choir Room) through the end of February!
SENIORS: Class of 2025 scholarships are now available on the school website. Check the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for a QR code or look for posters around the school.